Veneers are a popular and simple option to achieve the smile you have always desired. The thin covers that adhere to the visible part of your teeth can easily treat chipped teeth, uneven spaces, gaps or misshapen teeth. Veneers are constructed from porcelain or composite resin material. Fortune Smiles is ready to talk about your best options for a more classically shaped and natural look.

Porcelain veneers can be a customized and long-lasting option that provides a natural-looking surface that does not require extensive removal of tooth enamel – only as much as a crown or cap would require. Veneers do not easily stain. To begin, your Fortune Smiles dentist removes a small amount of enamel from the front and sides of your teeth for as natural a look as possible. A mold is then made of prepared teeth and the best shade for your smile is selected. While the impression is sent to a dental lab, you may be given temporary veneers. The permanent veneers are then placed on your teeth and your dentist will check the shape and fit.

Made of tooth-colored filling material, a composite resin veneer is bonded to the tooth. This dental option requires less removed tooth enamel and is more affordable than porcelain veneers. Your Fortune Smiles dentist will reshape your teeth and carefully bond and sculpt the composite material that is the best color for you. A special light hardens the composite to bond it to your teeth.


Fortune Smiles helps you reinvent your smile. The process can include dental veneers, composite bonding, tooth implants and teeth whitening to change your facial appearance and the width, length, color and shape of your teeth. Silver and amalgam dental fillings may replace a natural tooth-colored composite restoration to improve the color of dulled teeth, which may accelerate the look of aging. This results in a brighter and whiter smile for a natural and classic look.

Orthodontics, such as Invisalign, can strengthen a crooked smile, overbite and gaps that can be closed. Veneers can also provide a smile makeover. If you have one or more missing teeth, your bite can be impacted, making you more at risk for tooth decay. Dental implants, bridges and partial dentures can replace missing teeth. Jaw or oral maxillofacial surgery can fix an unshapely face resulting from aging and other conditions, recontouring your features to improve your overall smile.

Your Fortune Smiles dental team member can work with you to customize a restorative treatment plan to achieve the goals of your oral makeover.
If your teeth are too short from wear and tear, they can make you look older, especially if a gummy smile is present. Reshaping and lengthening the two front central teeth with composite bonding or porcelain veneers may be recommended. The gum line can be modified, and laser dentistry procedures can create the appearance of lengthened teeth. Smile lines follow the edge of your upper teeth from side to side along the curve of your lower lip.


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